Queensville by Lakeview Homes

Adam Cui > Listings > Queensville by Lakeview Homes, East Gwillimbury

For more than 40 years, Lakeview has built more than 15,000 homes and have helped families find great homes in communities they love. With every new community, they offer innovative home designs, attractive exteriors, and unparalleled craftsmanship. The Lakeview team of experts is by your side every step of the way to offer outstanding customer care.

Property Type – House & Townhouse

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1. Descriptions

Lakeview’s custom-designed elevations by award winning designers. Inspired exteriors which include genuine clay brick, fabricated stone, stucco, decorative trim details, vinyl siding, decorative aluminum siding. Material uses where applicable as per plan.

House siting and exterior colours will be architecturally coordinated and pre-determined to ensure a harmonious streetscape in conformance with applicable zoning and architectural control guidelines.

2. Features

3. Floorplans

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